Source code for legacypipe.detection

from __future__ import print_function
import pylab as plt
import numpy as np
from astrometry.util.ttime import Time

def _detmap(X):
    from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
    from legacypipe.survey import tim_get_resamp

    (tim, targetwcs, H, W) = X
    R = tim_get_resamp(tim, targetwcs)
    if R is None:
        return None,None,None,None,None
    ie = tim.getInvvar()
    assert(tim.psf_sigma > 0)
    psfnorm = 1./(2. * np.sqrt(np.pi) * tim.psf_sigma)
    detim = tim.getImage().copy()
    tim.getSky().addTo(detim, scale=-1.)
    detim[ie == 0] = 0.
    # Patch SATURATED pixels with the value saturated pixels would have??
    #detim[(tim.dq & tim.dq_bits['satur']) > 0] = tim.satval
    detim = gaussian_filter(detim, tim.psf_sigma) / psfnorm**2
    detsig1 = tim.sig1 / psfnorm
    subh,subw = tim.shape
    detiv = np.zeros((subh,subw), np.float32) + (1. / detsig1**2)
    detiv[ie == 0] = 0.
    (Yo,Xo,Yi,Xi) = R
    if tim.dq is None:
        sat = None
        sat = ((tim.dq[Yi,Xi] & tim.dq_saturation_bits) > 0)
    return Yo, Xo, detim[Yi,Xi], detiv[Yi,Xi], sat

def detection_maps(tims, targetwcs, bands, mp):
    # Render the detection maps

    H,W = targetwcs.shape
    H,W =,
    ibands = dict([(b,i) for i,b in enumerate(bands)])

    detmaps = [np.zeros((H,W), np.float32) for b in bands]
    detivs  = [np.zeros((H,W), np.float32) for b in bands]
    satmaps = [np.zeros((H,W), bool)       for b in bands]
    for tim, (Yo,Xo,incmap,inciv,sat) in zip(
        tims,, [(tim, targetwcs, H, W) for tim in tims])):
        if Yo is None:
        ib = ibands[]
        detmaps[ib][Yo,Xo] += incmap * inciv
        detivs [ib][Yo,Xo] += inciv
        if sat is not None:
            satmaps[ib][Yo,Xo] |= sat

    for detmap,detiv in zip(detmaps, detivs):
        detmap /= np.maximum(1e-16, detiv)
    return detmaps, detivs, satmaps

[docs]def sed_matched_filters(bands): ''' Determines which SED-matched filters to run based on the available bands. Returns ------- SEDs : list of (name, sed) tuples ''' # single-band filters SEDs = [] for i,band in enumerate(bands): sed = np.zeros(len(bands)) sed[i] = 1. SEDs.append((band, sed)) # Reverse the order -- run z-band detection filter *first*. SEDs = list(reversed(SEDs)) if len(bands) > 1: flat = dict(g=1., r=1., i=1., z=1.) SEDs.append(('Flat', [flat[b] for b in bands])) red = dict(g=2.5, r=1., i=0.4, z=0.4) SEDs.append(('Red', [red[b] for b in bands])) print('SED-matched filters:', SEDs) return SEDs
[docs]def run_sed_matched_filters(SEDs, bands, detmaps, detivs, omit_xy, targetwcs, nsigma=5, saturated_pix=None, plots=False, ps=None, mp=None): ''' Runs a given set of SED-matched filters. Parameters ---------- SEDs : list of (name, sed) tuples The SEDs to run. The `sed` values are lists the same length as `bands`. bands : list of string The band names of `detmaps` and `detivs`. detmaps : numpy array, float Detection maps for each of the listed `bands`. detivs : numpy array, float Inverse-variances of the `detmaps`. omit_xy : None, or (xx,yy,rr) tuple Existing sources to avoid: x, y, radius. targetwcs : WCS object WCS object to use to convert pixel values into RA,Decs for the returned Tractor PointSource objects. nsigma : float, optional Detection threshold saturated_pix : None or list of numpy arrays, booleans Passed through to sed_matched_detection. A map of pixels that are always considered "hot" when determining whether a new source touches hot pixels of an existing source. plots : boolean, optional Create plots? ps : PlotSequence object Create plots? mp : multiproc object Multiprocessing Returns ------- Tnew : fits_table Table of new sources detected newcat : list of PointSource objects Newly detected objects, with positions and fluxes, as Tractor PointSource objects. hot : numpy array of bool "Hot pixels" containing sources. See also -------- sed_matched_detection : run a single SED-matched filter. ''' from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table from tractor import PointSource, RaDecPos, NanoMaggies if omit_xy is not None: xx,yy,rr = omit_xy n0 = len(xx) else: xx,yy,rr = [],[],[] n0 = 0 H,W = detmaps[0].shape hot = np.zeros((H,W), bool) peaksn = [] apsn = [] for sedname,sed in SEDs: print('SED', sedname) if plots: pps = ps else: pps = None t0 = Time() sedhot,px,py,peakval,apval = sed_matched_detection( sedname, sed, detmaps, detivs, bands, xx, yy, rr, nsigma=nsigma, saturated_pix=saturated_pix, ps=pps) print('SED took', Time()-t0) if sedhot is None: continue print(len(px), 'new peaks') hot |= sedhot # With an empty xx, np.append turns it into a double! xx = np.append(xx, px).astype(int) yy = np.append(yy, py).astype(int) peaksn.extend(peakval) apsn.extend(apval) # New peaks: peakx = xx[n0:] peaky = yy[n0:] if len(peakx) == 0: return None,None,None # Add sources for the new peaks we found pr,pd = targetwcs.pixelxy2radec(peakx+1, peaky+1) print('Adding', len(pr), 'new sources') # Also create FITS table for new sources Tnew = fits_table() Tnew.ra = pr Tnew.dec = pd Tnew.ibx = peakx Tnew.iby = peaky assert(len(peaksn) == len(Tnew)) assert(len(apsn) == len(Tnew)) Tnew.peaksn = np.array(peaksn) Tnew.apsn = np.array(apsn) newcat = [] for i,(r,d,x,y) in enumerate(zip(pr,pd,peakx,peaky)): fluxes = dict([(band, detmap[y, x]) for band,detmap in zip(bands,detmaps)]) newcat.append(PointSource(RaDecPos(r,d), NanoMaggies(order=bands, **fluxes))) return Tnew, newcat, hot
def plot_boundary_map(X, rgb=(0,255,0), extent=None): from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_dilation H,W = X.shape #bounds = np.logical_xor(binary_dilation(X), X) padded = np.zeros((H+2, W+2), bool) padded[1:-1, 1:-1] = X.astype(bool) bounds = np.logical_xor(binary_dilation(padded), padded) #rgba = np.zeros((H,W,4), np.uint8) rgba = np.zeros((H+2,W+2,4), np.uint8) rgba[:,:,0] = bounds*rgb[0] rgba[:,:,1] = bounds*rgb[1] rgba[:,:,2] = bounds*rgb[2] rgba[:,:,3] = bounds*255 if extent is None: extent = [-1, W+1, -1, H+1] else: x0,x1,y0,y1 = extent extent = [x0-1, x1+1, y0-1, y1+1] plt.imshow(rgba, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', extent=extent)
[docs]def sed_matched_detection(sedname, sed, detmaps, detivs, bands, xomit, yomit, romit, nsigma=5., saturated_pix=None, saddle=2., cutonaper=True, ps=None): ''' Runs a single SED-matched detection filter. Avoids creating sources close to existing sources. Parameters ---------- sedname : string Name of this SED; only used for plots. sed : list of floats The SED -- a list of floats, one per band, of this SED. detmaps : list of numpy arrays The per-band detection maps. These must all be the same size, the brick image size. detivs : list of numpy arrays The inverse-variance maps associated with `detmaps`. bands : list of strings The band names of the `detmaps` and `detivs` images. xomit, yomit, romit : iterables (lists or numpy arrays) of int Previously known sources that are to be avoided; x,y +- radius nsigma : float, optional Detection threshold. saturated_pix : None or list of numpy arrays, boolean A map of pixels that are always considered "hot" when determining whether a new source touches hot pixels of an existing source. saddle : float, optional Saddle-point depth from existing sources down to new sources. cutonaper : bool, optional Apply a cut that the source's detection strength must be greater than `nsigma` above the 16th percentile of the detection strength in an annulus (from 10 to 20 pixels) around the source. ps : PlotSequence object, optional Create plots? Returns ------- hotblobs : numpy array of bool A map of the blobs yielding sources in this SED. px, py : numpy array of int The new sources found. aper : numpy array of float The detection strength in the annulus around the source, if `cutonaper` is set; else -1. peakval : numpy array of float The detection strength. See also -------- sed_matched_filters : creates the `(sedname, sed)` pairs used here run_sed_matched_filters : calls this method ''' from scipy.ndimage.measurements import label, find_objects from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_dilation, binary_fill_holes t0 = Time() H,W = detmaps[0].shape allzero = True for iband,band in enumerate(bands): if sed[iband] == 0: continue if np.all(detivs[iband] == 0): continue allzero = False break if allzero: print('SED', sedname, 'has all zero weight') return None,None,None,None,None sedmap = np.zeros((H,W), np.float32) sediv = np.zeros((H,W), np.float32) if saturated_pix is not None: satur = np.zeros((H,W), bool) for iband,band in enumerate(bands): if sed[iband] == 0: continue # We convert the detmap to canonical band via # detmap * w # And the corresponding change to sig1 is # sig1 * w # So the invvar-weighted sum is # (detmap * w) / (sig1**2 * w**2) # = detmap / (sig1**2 * w) sedmap += detmaps[iband] * detivs[iband] / sed[iband] sediv += detivs [iband] / sed[iband]**2 if saturated_pix is not None: satur |= saturated_pix[iband] sedmap /= np.maximum(1e-16, sediv) sedsn = sedmap * np.sqrt(sediv) del sedmap peaks = (sedsn > nsigma) print('SED sn:', Time()-t0) t0 = Time() def saddle_level(Y): # Require a saddle that drops by (the larger of) "saddle" # sigma, or 10% of the peak height. # ("saddle" is passed in as an argument to the # sed_matched_detection function) drop = max(saddle, Y * 0.1) return Y - drop lowest_saddle = nsigma - saddle # zero out the edges -- larger margin here? peaks[0 ,:] = 0 peaks[:, 0] = 0 peaks[-1,:] = 0 peaks[:,-1] = 0 # Label the N-sigma blobs at this point... we'll use this to build # "sedhot", which in turn is used to define the blobs that we will # optimize simultaneously. This also determines which pixels go # into the fitting! dilate = 8 hotblobs,nhot = label(binary_fill_holes( binary_dilation(peaks, iterations=dilate))) # find pixels that are larger than their 8 neighbors peaks[1:-1, 1:-1] &= (sedsn[1:-1,1:-1] >= sedsn[0:-2,1:-1]) peaks[1:-1, 1:-1] &= (sedsn[1:-1,1:-1] >= sedsn[2: ,1:-1]) peaks[1:-1, 1:-1] &= (sedsn[1:-1,1:-1] >= sedsn[1:-1,0:-2]) peaks[1:-1, 1:-1] &= (sedsn[1:-1,1:-1] >= sedsn[1:-1,2: ]) peaks[1:-1, 1:-1] &= (sedsn[1:-1,1:-1] >= sedsn[0:-2,0:-2]) peaks[1:-1, 1:-1] &= (sedsn[1:-1,1:-1] >= sedsn[0:-2,2: ]) peaks[1:-1, 1:-1] &= (sedsn[1:-1,1:-1] >= sedsn[2: ,0:-2]) peaks[1:-1, 1:-1] &= (sedsn[1:-1,1:-1] >= sedsn[2: ,2: ]) print('Peaks:', Time()-t0) t0 = Time() if ps is not None: from astrometry.util.plotutils import dimshow crossa = dict(ms=10, mew=1.5) green = (0,1,0) plt.clf() plt.subplot(1,2,2) dimshow(sedsn, vmin=-2, vmax=100, cmap='hot', ticks=False) plt.subplot(1,2,1) dimshow(sedsn, vmin=-2, vmax=10, cmap='hot', ticks=False) above = (sedsn > nsigma) plot_boundary_map(above) ax = plt.axis() y,x = np.nonzero(peaks) plt.plot(xomit, yomit, 'm.') plt.plot(x, y, 'r+') plt.axis(ax) plt.title('SED %s: S/N & peaks' % sedname) ps.savefig() # plt.clf() # plt.imshow(sedsn, vmin=-2, vmax=10, interpolation='nearest', # origin='lower', cmap='hot') # plot_boundary_map(sedsn > lowest_saddle) # plt.title('SED %s: S/N & lowest saddle point bounds' % sedname) # ps.savefig() # For each new source, compute the saddle value, segment at that # level, and drop the source if it is in the same blob as a # previously-detected source. # We dilate the blobs a bit too, to # catch slight differences in centroid positions. dilate = 1 # For efficiency, segment at the minimum saddle level to compute # slices; the operations described above need only happen within # the slice. saddlemap = (sedsn > lowest_saddle) saddlemap = binary_dilation(saddlemap, iterations=dilate) if saturated_pix is not None: saddlemap |= satur allblobs,nblobs = label(saddlemap) allslices = find_objects(allblobs) ally0 = [sy.start for sy,sx in allslices] allx0 = [sx.start for sy,sx in allslices] # brightest peaks first py,px = np.nonzero(peaks) I = np.argsort(-sedsn[py,px]) py = py[I] px = px[I] keep = np.zeros(len(px), bool) peakval = [] aper = [] apin = 10 apout = 20 # Map of pixels that are vetoed by sources found so far. The veto # area is based on saddle height. We go from brightest to # faintest pixels. Thus the saddle level decreases, and the # saddlemap areas become larger; the saddlemap when a source is # found is a lower bound on the pixels that it will veto based on # the saddle heights of fainter sources. Thus the vetomap isn't # the final word, it is just a quick veto of pixels we know for # sure will be vetoed. vetomap = np.zeros(sedsn.shape, bool) for x,y,r in zip(xomit, yomit, romit): xlo = int(np.clip(np.floor(x - r), 0, W-1)) xhi = int(np.clip(np.ceil (x + r), 0, W-1)) ylo = int(np.clip(np.floor(y - r), 0, H-1)) yhi = int(np.clip(np.ceil (y + r), 0, H-1)) vetomap[ylo:yhi+1, xlo:xhi+1] |= (np.hypot( (x - np.arange(xlo, xhi+1))[np.newaxis, :], (y - np.arange(ylo, yhi+1))[:, np.newaxis]) < r) # For each peak, determine whether it is isolated enough -- # separated by a low enough saddle from other sources. Need only # search within its "allblob", which is defined by the lowest # saddle. print('Found', len(px), 'potential peaks') for i,(x,y) in enumerate(zip(px, py)): # one plot per peak is a little excessive! if False and ps is not None: level = saddle_level(sedsn[y,x]) _peak_plot_1(vetomap, x, y, px, py, keep, i, xomit, yomit, sedsn, allblobs, level, dilate, saturated_pix, satur, ps) if vetomap[y,x]: #print(' in veto map!') continue level = saddle_level(sedsn[y,x]) ablob = allblobs[y,x] index = int(ablob - 1) slc = allslices[index] #print('source', i, 'of', len(px), 'at', x,y, 'S/N', sedsn[y,x], 'saddle', level) #print(' allblobs slice', slc) saddlemap = (sedsn[slc] > level) saddlemap = binary_dilation(saddlemap, iterations=dilate) if saturated_pix is not None: saddlemap |= satur[slc] saddlemap *= (allblobs[slc] == ablob) saddlemap = binary_fill_holes(saddlemap) blobs,nblobs = label(saddlemap) x0,y0 = allx0[index], ally0[index] thisblob = blobs[y-y0, x-x0] saddlemap *= (blobs == thisblob) # previously found sources: ox = np.append(xomit, px[:i][keep[:i]]) - x0 oy = np.append(yomit, py[:i][keep[:i]]) - y0 h,w = blobs.shape cut = False if len(ox): ox = ox.astype(int) oy = oy.astype(int) cut = any((ox >= 0) * (ox < w) * (oy >= 0) * (oy < h) * (blobs[np.clip(oy,0,h-1), np.clip(ox,0,w-1)] == thisblob)) if False and cut and ps is not None: _peak_plot_2(ox, oy, w, h, blobs, thisblob, sedsn, x0, y0, x, y, level, ps) if False and (not cut) and ps is not None: _peak_plot_3(sedsn, nsigma, x, y, x0, y0, slc, saddlemap, xomit, yomit, px, py, keep, i, ps) if cut: # in same blob as previously found source. #print(' cut') # update vetomap vetomap[slc] |= saddlemap #print('Added to vetomap:', np.sum(saddlemap), 'pixels set; now total of', np.sum(vetomap), 'pixels set') continue # Measure in aperture... ap = sedsn[max(0, y-apout):min(H,y+apout+1), max(0, x-apout):min(W,x+apout+1)] apiv = (sediv[max(0, y-apout):min(H,y+apout+1), max(0, x-apout):min(W,x+apout+1)] > 0) aph,apw = ap.shape apx0, apy0 = max(0, x - apout), max(0, y - apout) R2 = ((np.arange(aph)+apy0 - y)[:,np.newaxis]**2 + (np.arange(apw)+apx0 - x)[np.newaxis,:]**2) ap = ap[apiv * (R2 >= apin**2) * (R2 <= apout**2)] if len(ap): # 16th percentile ~ -1 sigma point. m = np.percentile(ap, 16.) else: # fake m = -1. if cutonaper: if sedsn[y,x] - m < nsigma: continue aper.append(m) peakval.append(sedsn[y,x]) keep[i] = True vetomap[slc] |= saddlemap #print('Added to vetomap:', np.sum(saddlemap), 'pixels set; now total of', np.sum(vetomap), 'pixels set') if False and ps is not None: plt.clf() plt.subplot(1,2,1) dimshow(ap, vmin=-2, vmax=10, cmap='hot', extent=[apx0,apx0+apw,apy0,apy0+aph]) plt.subplot(1,2,2) dimshow(ap * ((R2 >= apin**2) * (R2 <= apout**2)), vmin=-2, vmax=10, cmap='hot', extent=[apx0,apx0+apw,apy0,apy0+aph]) plt.suptitle('peak %.1f vs ap %.1f' % (sedsn[y,x], m)) ps.savefig() print('New sources:', Time()-t0) t0 = Time() if ps is not None: pxdrop = px[np.logical_not(keep)] pydrop = py[np.logical_not(keep)] py = py[keep] px = px[keep] # Which of the hotblobs yielded sources? Those are the ones to keep. hbmap = np.zeros(nhot+1, bool) hbmap[hotblobs[py,px]] = True if len(xomit): h,w = hotblobs.shape hbmap[hotblobs[np.clip(yomit, 0, h-1), np.clip(xomit, 0, w-1)]] = True # in case a source is (somehow) not in a hotblob? hbmap[0] = False hotblobs = hbmap[hotblobs] if ps is not None: plt.clf() dimshow(vetomap, vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap='hot') plt.title('SED %s: veto map' % sedname) ps.savefig() plt.clf() dimshow(hotblobs, vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap='hot') ax = plt.axis() p1 = plt.plot(px, py, 'g+', ms=8, mew=2) p2 = plt.plot(pxdrop, pydrop, 'm+', ms=8, mew=2) p3 = plt.plot(xomit, yomit, 'r+', ms=8, mew=2) plt.axis(ax) plt.title('SED %s: hot blobs' % sedname) plt.figlegend((p3[0],p1[0],p2[0]), ('Existing', 'Keep', 'Drop'), 'upper left') ps.savefig() return hotblobs, px, py, aper, peakval
def _peak_plot_1(vetomap, x, y, px, py, keep, i, xomit, yomit, sedsn, allblobs, level, dilate, saturated_pix, satur, ps): from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_dilation, binary_fill_holes from scipy.ndimage.measurements import label, find_objects plt.clf() plt.suptitle('Peak at %i,%i' % (x,y)) plt.subplot(2,2,1) plt.imshow(vetomap, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=0, vmax=1) ax = plt.axis() prevx = px[:i][keep[:i]] prevy = py[:i][keep[:i]] plt.plot(prevx, prevy, 'o', mec='r', mfc='none') plt.plot(xomit, yomit, 'm.') plt.plot(x, y, '+', mec='r', mfc='r') plt.axis(ax) plt.title('veto map') ablob = allblobs[y,x] saddlemap = (sedsn > level) saddlemap = binary_dilation(saddlemap, iterations=dilate) if saturated_pix is not None: saddlemap |= satur saddlemap *= (allblobs == ablob) # plt.subplot(2,2,2) # plt.imshow(saddlemap, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', # vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap='gray') # ax = plt.axis() # plt.plot(x, y, '+', mec='r', mfc='r') # plt.plot(prevx, prevy, 'o', mec='r', mfc='none') # plt.plot(xomit, yomit, 'm.') # plt.axis(ax) # plt.title('saddle map (1)') plt.subplot(2,2,2) saddlemap = binary_fill_holes(saddlemap) plt.imshow(saddlemap, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap='gray') ax = plt.axis() plt.plot(x, y, '+', mec='r', mfc='r') plt.plot(prevx, prevy, 'o', mec='r', mfc='none') plt.plot(xomit, yomit, 'm.') plt.axis(ax) plt.title('saddle map (fill holes)') blobs,nblobs = label(saddlemap) thisblob = blobs[y, x] saddlemap *= (blobs == thisblob) plt.subplot(2,2,3) plt.imshow(saddlemap, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap='gray') ax = plt.axis() plt.plot(x, y, '+', mec='r', mfc='r') plt.plot(prevx, prevx, 'o', mec='r', mfc='none') plt.plot(xomit, yomit, 'm.') plt.axis(ax) plt.title('saddle map (this blob)') nzy,nzx = np.nonzero(saddlemap) plt.subplot(2,2,4) plt.imshow(saddlemap, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap='gray') plt.plot(x, y, '+', mec='r', mfc='r') plt.plot(prevx, prevx, 'o', mec='r', mfc='none') plt.plot(xomit, yomit, 'm.') plt.axis([min(nzx)-1, max(nzx)+1, min(nzy)-1, max(nzy)+1]) plt.title('saddle map (this blob)') ps.savefig() def _peak_plot_2(ox, oy, w, h, blobs, thisblob, sedsn, x0, y0, x, y, level, ps): I = np.flatnonzero((ox >= 0) * (ox < w) * (oy >= 0) * (oy < h) * (blobs[np.clip(oy,0,h-1), np.clip(ox,0,w-1)] == thisblob)) j = I[0] plt.clf() plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.imshow(sedsn, cmap='hot', interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') ax = plt.axis() plt.plot([ox[j]+x0, x], [oy[j]+y0, y], 'g-') plt.axis(ax) dx = ox[j]+x0 - x dy = oy[j]+y0 - y dist = max(1, np.hypot(dx, dy)) ss = [] steps = int(np.ceil(dist)) H,W = sedsn.shape for s in range(-3, steps+3): ix = int(np.round(x + (dx / dist) * s)) iy = int(np.round(y + (dy / dist) * s)) ss.append(sedsn[np.clip(iy, 0, H-1), np.clip(ix, 0, W-1)]) plt.subplot(1,2,2) plt.plot(ss) plt.axhline(sedsn[y,x], color='k') plt.axhline(sedsn[oy[j],ox[j]], color='r') plt.axhline(level) plt.xticks([]) plt.title('S/N') ps.savefig() def _peak_plot_3(sedsn, nsigma, x, y, x0, y0, slc, saddlemap, xomit, yomit, px, py, keep, i, cut, ps): green = (0,1,0) plt.clf() plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.imshow(sedsn, vmin=-2, vmax=10, cmap='hot', interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') plot_boundary_map((sedsn > nsigma)) ax = plt.axis() plt.plot(x, y, 'm+', ms=12, mew=2) plt.axis(ax) plt.subplot(1,2,2) y1,x1 = [s.stop for s in slc] ext = [x0,x1,y0,y1] plt.imshow(saddlemap, extent=ext, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') #plt.plot([x0,x0,x1,x1,x0], [y0,y1,y1,y0,y0], 'c-') #ax = plt.axis() #plt.plot(ox+x0, oy+y0, 'rx') plt.plot(xomit, yomit, 'rx', ms=8, mew=2) plt.plot(px[:i][keep[:i]], py[:i][keep[:i]], '+', color=green, ms=8, mew=2) plt.plot(x, y, 'mo', mec='m', mfc='none', ms=12, mew=2) plt.axis(ax) if cut: plt.suptitle('Cut') else: plt.suptitle('Keep') ps.savefig()
[docs]def segment_and_group_sources(image, T, name=None, ps=None, plots=False): ''' *image*: binary image that defines "blobs" *T*: source table; only ".ibx" and ".iby" elements are used (x,y integer pix pos). Note: ".blob" field is added. *name*: for debugging only Returns: (blobs, blobsrcs, blobslices) *blobs*: image, values -1 = no blob, integer blob indices *blobsrcs*: list of np arrays of integers, elements in T within each blob *blobslices*: list of slice objects for blob bounding-boxes. ''' from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_fill_holes from scipy.ndimage.measurements import label, find_objects emptyblob = 0 image = binary_fill_holes(image) blobs,nblobs = label(image) print('N detected blobs:', nblobs) H,W = image.shape del image blobslices = find_objects(blobs) T.blob = blobs[T.iby, T.ibx] if plots: import pylab as plt from astrometry.util.plotutils import dimshow plt.clf() dimshow(blobs > 0, vmin=0, vmax=1) ax = plt.axis() for i,bs in enumerate(blobslices): sy,sx = bs by0,by1 = sy.start, sy.stop bx0,bx1 = sx.start, sx.stop plt.plot([bx0, bx0, bx1, bx1, bx0], [by0, by1, by1, by0, by0], 'r-') plt.text((bx0+bx1)/2., by0, '%i' % (i+1), ha='center', va='bottom', color='r') plt.plot(T.ibx, T.iby, 'rx') for i,t in enumerate(T): plt.text(t.ibx, t.iby, 'src %i' % i, color='red', ha='left', va='center') plt.axis(ax) plt.title('Blobs') ps.savefig() # Find sets of sources within blobs blobsrcs = [] keepslices = [] blobmap = {} dropslices = {} for blob in range(1, nblobs+1): Isrcs = np.flatnonzero(T.blob == blob) if len(Isrcs) == 0: #print('Blob', blob, 'has no sources') blobmap[blob] = -1 dropslices[blob] = blobslices[blob-1] continue blobmap[blob] = len(blobsrcs) blobsrcs.append(Isrcs) bslc = blobslices[blob-1] keepslices.append(bslc) blobslices = keepslices # Find sources that do not belong to a blob and add them as # singleton "blobs"; otherwise they don't get optimized. # for sources outside the image bounds, what should we do? inblobs = np.zeros(len(T), bool) for Isrcs in blobsrcs: inblobs[Isrcs] = True noblobs = np.flatnonzero(np.logical_not(inblobs)) del inblobs # Add new fake blobs! for ib,i in enumerate(noblobs): #S = 3 S = 5 bslc = (slice(np.clip(T.iby[i] - S, 0, H-1), np.clip(T.iby[i] + S+1, 0, H)), slice(np.clip(T.ibx[i] - S, 0, W-1), np.clip(T.ibx[i] + S+1, 0, W))) # Does this new blob overlap existing blob(s)? oblobs = np.unique(blobs[bslc]) oblobs = oblobs[oblobs != emptyblob] #print('This blob overlaps existing blobs:', oblobs) if len(oblobs) > 1: print('WARNING: not merging overlapping blobs like maybe we should') if len(oblobs): blob = oblobs[0] #print('Adding source to existing blob', blob) blobs[bslc][blobs[bslc] == emptyblob] = blob blobindex = blobmap[blob] if blobindex == -1: # the overlapping blob was going to be dropped -- restore it. blobindex = len(blobsrcs) blobmap[blob] = blobindex blobslices.append(dropslices[blob]) blobsrcs.append(np.array([], np.int64)) # Expand the existing blob slice to encompass this new source oldslc = blobslices[blobindex] sy,sx = oldslc oy0,oy1, ox0,ox1 = sy.start,sy.stop, sx.start,sx.stop sy,sx = bslc ny0,ny1, nx0,nx1 = sy.start,sy.stop, sx.start,sx.stop newslc = slice(min(oy0,ny0), max(oy1,ny1)), slice(min(ox0,nx0), max(ox1,nx1)) blobslices[blobindex] = newslc # Add this source to the list of source indices for the existing blob. blobsrcs[blobindex] = np.append(blobsrcs[blobindex], np.array([i])) else: # Set synthetic blob number blob = nblobs+1 + ib blobs[bslc][blobs[bslc] == emptyblob] = blob blobmap[blob] = len(blobsrcs) blobslices.append(bslc) blobsrcs.append(np.array([i])) #print('Added', len(noblobs), 'new fake singleton blobs') # Remap the "blobs" image so that empty regions are = -1 and the blob values # correspond to their indices in the "blobsrcs" list. if len(blobmap): maxblob = max(blobmap.keys()) else: maxblob = 0 maxblob = max(maxblob, blobs.max()) bm = np.zeros(maxblob + 1, int) for k,v in blobmap.items(): bm[k] = v bm[0] = -1 # DEBUG if plots: import fitsio fitsio.write('blobs-before-%s.fits' % name, blobs, clobber=True) # Remap blob numbers blobs = bm[blobs] if plots: import fitsio fitsio.write('blobs-after-%s.fits' % name, blobs, clobber=True) if plots: import pylab as plt from astrometry.util.plotutils import dimshow plt.clf() dimshow(blobs > -1, vmin=0, vmax=1) ax = plt.axis() for i,bs in enumerate(blobslices): sy,sx = bs by0,by1 = sy.start, sy.stop bx0,bx1 = sx.start, sx.stop plt.plot([bx0, bx0, bx1, bx1, bx0], [by0, by1, by1, by0, by0], 'r-') plt.text((bx0+bx1)/2., by0, '%i' % (i+1), ha='center', va='bottom', color='r') plt.plot(T.ibx, T.iby, 'rx') for i,t in enumerate(T): plt.text(t.ibx, t.iby, 'src %i' % i, color='red', ha='left', va='center') plt.axis(ax) plt.title('Blobs') ps.savefig() for j,Isrcs in enumerate(blobsrcs): for i in Isrcs: if (blobs[T.iby[i], T.ibx[i]] != j): print('---------------------------!!!-------------------------') print('Blob', j, 'sources', Isrcs) print('Source', i, 'coords x,y', T.ibx[i], T.iby[i]) print('Expected blob value', j, 'but got', blobs[T.iby[i], T.ibx[i]]) T.blob = blobs[T.iby, T.ibx] assert(len(blobsrcs) == len(blobslices)) return blobs, blobsrcs, blobslices