Source code for legacypipe.utils

from __future__ import print_function
import os
import numpy as np

from tractor.ellipses import EllipseESoft
from tractor.utils import _GaussianPriors

from astrometry.util.multiproc import multiproc
from astrometry.util.ttime import Time

class EllipseWithPriors(EllipseESoft):
    An ellipse (used to represent galaxy shapes) with Gaussian priors
    over softened ellipticity parameters.  This class is used during
    We ALSO place a prior on log-radius, forcing it to be < +5 (r_e =

    To use this class, subclass it and set the 'ellipticityStd' class

    ellipticityStd = 0.
    ellipsePriors = None

    # EllipseESoft extends EllipseE extends ParamList, has
    # GaussianPriorsMixin.  GaussianPriorsMixin sets a "gpriors"
    # member variable to a _GaussianPriors
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(EllipseWithPriors, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if self.ellipsePriors is None:
            ellipsePriors = _GaussianPriors(None)
            ellipsePriors.add('ee1', 0., self.ellipticityStd,
            ellipsePriors.add('ee2', 0., self.ellipticityStd,
            self.__class__.ellipsePriors = ellipsePriors
        self.gpriors = self.ellipsePriors
        self.uppers[0] = 5.

    def setMaxLogRadius(self, rmax):
        self.uppers[0] = rmax

    def fromRAbPhi(cls, r, ba, phi):
        logr, ee1, ee2 = EllipseESoft.rAbPhiToESoft(r, ba, phi)
        return cls(logr, ee1, ee2)

    def isLegal(self):
        return self.logre <= self.uppers[0]

    def getName(cls):
        return "EllipseWithPriors(%g)" % cls.ellipticityStd

[docs]class RunbrickError(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]class NothingToDoError(RunbrickError): pass
class iterwrapper(object): def __init__(self, y, n): self.n = n self.y = y def __str__(self): return 'iterwrapper: n=%i; ' % self.n + str(self.y) def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): try: return except StopIteration: raise except: import traceback print(str(self), 'next()') traceback.print_exc() raise # py3 def __next__(self): try: return self.y.__next__() except StopIteration: raise except: import traceback print(str(self), '__next__()') traceback.print_exc() raise def __len__(self): return self.n def _ring_unique(wcs, W, H, i, unique, ra1,ra2,dec1,dec2): lo, hix, hiy = i, W-i-1, H-i-1 # one slice per side; we double-count the last pix of each side. sidex = slice(lo,hix+1) sidey = slice(lo,hiy+1) top = (lo, sidex) bot = (hiy, sidex) left = (sidey, lo) right = (sidey, hix) xx = np.arange(W) yy = np.arange(H) nu,ntot = 0,0 for slc in [top, bot, left, right]: #print('xx,yy', xx[slc], yy[slc]) (yslc,xslc) = slc rr,dd = wcs.pixelxy2radec(xx[xslc]+1, yy[yslc]+1) U = (rr >= ra1 ) * (rr < ra2 ) * (dd >= dec1) * (dd < dec2) #print('Pixel', i, ':', np.sum(U), 'of', len(U), 'pixels are unique') unique[slc] = U nu += np.sum(U) ntot += len(U) #if allin: # print('Scanned to pixel', i) # break return nu,ntot def find_unique_pixels(wcs, W, H, unique, ra1,ra2,dec1,dec2): if unique is None: unique = np.ones((H,W), bool) # scan the outer annulus of pixels, and shrink in until all pixels # are unique. step = 10 for i in range(0, W//2, step): nu,ntot = _ring_unique(wcs, W, H, i, unique, ra1,ra2,dec1,dec2) #print('Pixel', i, ': nu/ntot', nu, ntot) if nu > 0: i -= step break unique[:i,:] = False unique[H-1-i:,:] = False unique[:,:i] = False unique[:,W-1-i:] = False for j in range(max(i+1, 0), W//2): nu,ntot = _ring_unique(wcs, W, H, j, unique, ra1,ra2,dec1,dec2) #print('Pixel', j, ': nu/ntot', nu, ntot) if nu == ntot: break return unique def run_ps_thread(parent_pid, parent_ppid, fn, shutdown, event_queue): from astrometry.util.run_command import run_command from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table, merge_tables import time import re import fitsio from functools import reduce # my pid = parent pid -- this is a thread. print('run_ps_thread starting: parent PID', parent_pid, ', my PID', os.getpid(), fn) TT = [] step = 0 events = [] trex = re.compile('(((?P<days>\d*)-)?(?P<hours>\d*):)?(?P<minutes>\d*):(?P<seconds>[\d\.]*)') def parse_time_strings(ss): etime = [] any_failed = None for s in ss: m = trex.match(s) if m is None: any_failed = s break days,hours,mins,secs ='days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds') #print('Elapsed time', s, 'parsed to', days,hours,mins,secs) days = int(days, 10) if days is not None else 0 hours = int(hours, 10) if hours is not None else 0 mins = int(mins, 10) if secs.startswith('0'): secs = secs[1:] secs = float(secs) tt = days * 24 * 3600 + hours * 3600 + mins * 60 + secs #print('->', tt, 'seconds') etime.append(tt) return any_failed, etime def write_results(fn, T, events, hdr): T.mine = np.logical_or( == parent_pid, T.ppid == parent_pid) T.main = ( == parent_pid) tmpfn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fn), 'tmp-' + os.path.basename(fn)) T.writeto(tmpfn, header=hdr) if len(events): E = fits_table() E.unixtime = np.array([e[0] for e in events]) E.event = np.array([e[1] for e in events]) E.step = np.array([e[2] for e in events]) E.writeto(tmpfn, append=True) os.rename(tmpfn, fn) print('Wrote', fn) fitshdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() fitshdr['PPID'] = parent_pid last_time = {} last_proc_time = {} clock_ticks = os.sysconf('SC_CLK_TCK') #print('Clock times:', clock_ticks) if clock_ticks == -1: #print('Failed to get clock times per second; assuming 100') clock_ticks = 100 while True: shutdown.wait(5.0) if shutdown.is_set(): print('ps shutdown flag set. Quitting.') break if event_queue is not None: while True: try: (t,msg) = event_queue.popleft() events.append((t,msg,step)) #print('Popped event', t,msg) except IndexError: # no events break step += 1 #cmd = ('ps ax -o "user pcpu pmem state cputime etime pgid pid ppid ' + # 'psr rss session vsize args"') # OSX-compatible cmd = ('ps ax -o "user pcpu pmem state cputime etime pgid pid ppid ' + 'rss vsize wchan command"') #print('Command:', cmd) rtn,out,err = run_command(cmd) if rtn: print('FAILED to run ps:', rtn, out, err) time.sleep(1) break # print('Got PS output') # print(out) # print('Err') # print(err) if len(err): print('Error string from ps:', err) lines = out.split('\n') hdr = lines.pop(0) cols = hdr.split() cols = [c.replace('%','P') for c in cols] cols = [c.lower() for c in cols] #print('Columns:', cols) vals = [[] for c in cols] # maximum length for 'command', command-line args field maxlen = 128 for line in lines: words = line.split() # "command" column can contain spaces; it is last if len(words) == 0: continue words = (words[:len(cols)-1] + [' '.join(words[len(cols)-1:])[:maxlen]]) assert(len(words) == len(cols)) for v,w in zip(vals, words): v.append(w) parsetypes = dict(pcpu = np.float32, pmem = np.float32, pgid = np.int32, pid = np.int32, ppid = np.int32, rs = np.float32, vsz = np.float32, ) T = fits_table() for c,v in zip(cols, vals): # print('Col', c, 'Values:', v[:3], '...') v = np.array(v) tt = parsetypes.get(c, None) if tt is not None: v = v.astype(tt) T.set(c, v) any_failed,etime = parse_time_strings(T.elapsed) if any_failed is not None: print('Failed to parse elapsed time string:', any_failed) else: T.elapsed = np.array(etime) any_failed,ctime = parse_time_strings(T.time) if any_failed is not None: print('Failed to parse elapsed time string:', any_failed) else: T.time = np.array(ctime) T.rename('time', 'cputime') # Compute 'instantaneous' (5-sec averaged) %cpu # BUT this only counts whole seconds in the 'ps' output. T.icpu = np.zeros(len(T), np.float32) icpu = T.icpu for i,(p,etime,ctime) in enumerate(zip(, T.elapsed, T.cputime)): try: elast,clast = last_time[p] # new process with an existing PID? if etime > elast: icpu[i] = 100. * (ctime - clast) / (etime - elast) except: pass last_time[p] = (etime, ctime) # print('Processes:') # J = np.argsort(-T.icpu) # for j in J: # p =[j] # pp = T.ppid[j] # print(' PID', p, '(main)' if p == parent_pid else '', # '(worker)' if pp == parent_pid else '', # 'pcpu', T.pcpu[j], 'pmem', T.pmem[j], 'icpu', T.icpu[j], # T.command[j][:20]) # Apply cuts! T.cut(reduce(np.logical_or, [ T.pcpu > 5, T.pmem > 5, T.icpu > 5, == parent_pid, (T.ppid == parent_pid) * np.array([not c.startswith('ps ax') for c in T.command])])) #print('Cut to', len(T), 'with significant CPU/MEM use or my PPID') # print('Kept:') # J = np.argsort(-T.icpu) # for j in J: # p =[j] # pp = T.ppid[j] # print(' PID', p, '(main)' if p == parent_pid else '', # '(worker)' if pp == parent_pid else '', # 'pcpu', T.pcpu[j], 'pmem', T.pmem[j], 'icpu', T.icpu[j], # T.command[j][:20]) if len(T) == 0: continue timenow = time.time() T.unixtime = np.zeros(len(T), np.float64) + timenow T.step = np.zeros(len(T), np.int16) + step if os.path.exists('/proc'): # Try to grab higher-precision CPU timing info from /proc/PID/stat T.proc_utime = np.zeros(len(T), np.float32) T.proc_stime = np.zeros(len(T), np.float32) T.processor = np.zeros(len(T), np.int16) T.proc_icpu = np.zeros(len(T), np.float32) for i,p in enumerate( try: # See: # procfn = '/proc/%i/stat' % p txt = open(procfn).read() #print('Read', procfn, ':', txt) words = txt.split() utime = int(words[13]) / float(clock_ticks) stime = int(words[14]) / float(clock_ticks) proc = int(words[38]) #print('utime', utime, 'stime', stime, 'processor', proc) ctime = utime + stime try: tlast,clast = last_proc_time[p] #print('pid', p, 'Tnow,Cnow', timenow, ctime, 'Tlast,Clast', tlast,clast) if ctime >= clast: T.proc_icpu[i] = 100. * (ctime - clast) / float(timenow - tlast) except: pass last_proc_time[p] = (timenow, ctime) T.proc_utime[i] = utime T.proc_stime[i] = stime T.processor [i] = proc except: pass TT.append(T) #print('ps -- step', step) if (step % 12 == 0) and len(TT) > 0: # Write out results every ~ minute. print('ps -- writing', fn) T = merge_tables(TT, columns='fillzero') write_results(fn, T, events, fitshdr) TT = [T] # Just before returning, write out results. if len(TT) > 0: print('ps -- writing', fn) T = merge_tables(TT, columns='fillzero') write_results(fn, T, events, fitshdr)